Are ShutterBands products available from other vendors?

Yes! You can find ShutterBands products at:
If you live in Canada, has many ShutterBands products in stock for immediate shipment.
If you live outside of North America, check Amazon's website in your country. You may find some ShutterBands products offered by Amazon's Global Store on your local Amazon website. Search for "ShutterBands".

    Can I purchase more Lens Jammies in one size?

    Yes - packs of each size Lens Jammies (S, M, L, XL) are available on our Catalog page.

    Can I move ShutterBands between my lenses?

    Yes - but it's better to get a ShutterBand for each lens for your camera. Taking a band off of one lens and putting it on another isn't hard, but it increases the risk of dropping or damaging a lens. You'll change lenses faster if the ShutterBand is already on the lens, ready to use. And extra packs of 3 ShutterBands can be purchased for just $7USD.

    Where can I purchase additional ShutterBands?

    You'll find each of the ShutterBands Kit components for sale separately by clicking on the Catalog link at the top of this page.

    What if I don't like the ShutterBands kit - can I remove it easily?

    Yes! DisplayLifter, ButtonBumps and CapTraps are attached using a strong 3M adhesive. But you can peel off the parts and remove any remaining adhesive by rubbing it gently with your finger if it was recently installed. If an adhesive residue remains, moisten a cloth with rubbing alcohol and gently rub until the adhesive comes off.

    Is the ShutterBands kit guaranteed?

    Yes! We guarantee the ShutterBands accessories will delight you. If you're not delighted, we'll refund your purchase price within 30 days of your kit's delivery.
    If you should encounter problems with any of the components, we will replace troublesome parts free of charge for 1 year from your date of purchase.